katgolek Site Global Texture - Noise Background
katgolek Site Global Texture - Noise Background
    Ecommerce banner site mockup
    Ecommerce banner site mockup

This is how Eesti Paigat evaluated my work

I was initially hesitant between two designers, but Kate's proper communication skills and overall helpfulness was the best . Kate is very thorough and hard working, providing detailed explanation to all of her designs and eager to implement the changes when asked.

Project Details

Shaping scandinavian travel experience

Home page design for travel website that features holiday homes in Scandinavia. Design highlights connection to nature taking in mind Scandinavian minimalism and aesthetics. Apart from that - design concept has been built around user perspective both the one who is looking for some recommended remote locations in Scandinavia for stay as well as user who would be a perspective client - owner of some accommodation and would be interested in adding his / her location for review.


Eesti Paigat


Landing Page & Blog Listing Page Design


Travel page banner view mockup showing perfect gateway location
Few sections of responsive landing page showing top places to visit, introduction about the Bloggers, statistics and featured location footage
Mobile view mockup for landing page sections
Image showing beautiful quiet place in the mountains perfect for resting
Banner mockups showing sections: locations search, featured location footage and top places to visit
Caption of blog listing page with variety of locations to be showcased to the user
Mobile view mockup for design sections in the beautiful scandinavian scenery
Design mockup displaying captured project sections